Dog Friendly Travel Europe

Dog Friendly Travel Europe

Dog Friendly Travel Europe – Thinking of taking a dog from Singapore to Europe? ARRRFF, wet nose from my Singaporean friend, Little Coco Beans.

That I left my Alfa logo all over Europe. Since I started my adventures, I returned to Europe for a year and even lived in cramped quarters during the Catalan uprising. Before my first international flight to Paris in 2016, there were very few dog travel blogs or effective dog travelers. International dog travel seems to be exploding these days, and taking your dog to Europe is no longer a novelty. For Americans like me and my people, traveling to and from Europe is easy with prior documentation.

Dog Friendly Travel Europe

Dog Friendly Travel Europe

However, for countries with strict requirements for bringing dogs, such as Singapore, vacationing in Europe with your dog is more complicated and requires a lot of planning. So going to and from Singapore is a unique one-way trip.

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Investment money. My trendy tail wags to reveal my experience eating Little Coco Beans in Singapore as a toy Poodle World Traveler who flew to Frankfurt, Germany 5 E.U. The country successfully returned to Singapore without isolation. Stay tuned to learn more about Coco!

Little Coco Beans is a 3.2 kg (7 lb) toy poodle that she adopted when she was 1 year old.

Living in Singapore. She was frustrated that she shared a bed with her husband, had her own pants in the refrigerator, and even had her own little closet in the classroom. During prior approval

Today, Coco can be found sleeping in her cozy dog ​​bed or large human bed. And its refrigerated display of fresh and homemade foods, from raw to cooked, has all the foods and snacks always stocked to satisfy your cravings for small and furry stores.

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Helen and her husband try to control her diet in hopes that she will stay healthy for a long time

He is Helen’s biggest motivation in everyday life, giving her a reason to wake up and go to work every day. Helen strives to provide the best health care, delicious food and a luxurious lifestyle complete with beautiful clothes, spa treatments, fine dining and weekend getaways. You don’t have to

These two are inseparable! Helen falls in love when Coco looks lovingly into her adorable dog’s eyes, creating warmth in her heart. 🙂

Dog Friendly Travel Europe

It was four months before Helen left. As you can imagine, there is a lot of documentation to complete the medical requirements in Europe and Singapore. Helen has to make sure Coco is fit for her airline’s long flights, which means time must be spent on airport training. Fortunately, Coco has been potty trained from a young age, so she can usually pee on demand. So, he didn’t have any problems on the plane, because he was relieved to get on the plane in the bathroom of the plane.

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Because of the strict isolation checks, such as insect vaccination, wool physiological tests and all their documentation, they spent many sleepless nights studying the isolation requirements individually. This is a very important step as they don’t want to risk putting Coco in isolation overseas and/or en route to Singapore. Most countries require rabies vaccination, basic annual vaccination, etc. before arrival. So, if you are going to take your dog abroad with you, make sure that all the documents are properly filled out.

The most difficult step for Helen was mapping, planning and processing the documents required for both overseas countries and Singapore.

The last thing he wants is for Coco to return to Singapore due to lost demand (or never made it to foreign countries).

Another issue is circumstances beyond your control, e.g. You cannot predict or control how your dog behaves and whether he becomes uncomfortable due to increased air pressure or constant engine noise with their acute hearing. Additionally, dogs are required to behave on the plane (no barking or barking) and are required to remain in the pet carrier throughout the flight. Plus, you’ll never know if your front, back, or neighbors are susceptible to dogs. They can give you trouble. 🙁

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In addition, Helen and her husband need to find accommodation for their pets in Europe, as not all hotels are dog-friendly. Fortunately, they found that 70% of European hotels are dog-friendly, which makes things easy.

The trick is to plan Coco’s meals ahead of time because she eats them raw or home cooked. But this means they have to find a place with a small kitchen where they can properly store food in the hotel fridge.

First you need to microchip your dog. Microchip insertion can be done at any licensed veterinarian for a nominal fee. A microchip is a unique permanent identifier that permanently links your dog’s name and contact information.

Dog Friendly Travel Europe

After microchipping your dog, the next step is to vaccinate your dog against rabies. Vaccination of the fleece should be done after the microchip is implanted, not before. The minimum vaccination time is at least 21 days after your dog’s arrival in the EU. Your dog must be at least 12 weeks old (although there are some exceptions for bringing young dogs).

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As Singapore is a ‘registered’ country, your dog cannot be tested for flea antibodies to enter the European Union.

Certified veterinarians can often provide veterinary health certificates in the office; be sure to ask. Otherwise, you must print the certificate and be a vet to complete it. Before going to the vet, be sure to print a valid health certificate according to your country of origin. Also, make sure the certificate is for non-commercial animal transport.

When traveling from a non-European country such as Singapore, your dog must have an EU Animal Health Certificate issued by an official veterinarian in the country of departure no later than 10 days before your dog arrives in the EU.

This certificate is valid for travel between EU countries for 4 months or until the rabies vaccination expires, whichever is later.

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In addition, you must also complete and attach a written statement to your pet’s EU Animal Health Certificate stating that the transfer is for non-commercial reasons. This declaration is also required if your pet is traveling under the responsibility of a person authorized by you. In this case, your pet must be reunited with you within 5 days of your move.

If you are traveling with your dog to Finland, Ireland, Malta, Norway or Northern Ireland, you must treat for echinococcus 24 to 120 hours before travel. All treatment details must be included in your pet’s passport or EU health certificate.

Helen and her husband were relieved and proud that Coco handled the flight so well. Unlike a crying baby or toddler, he didn’t make any noise or disturb other passengers. In fact, some passengers do not know that Coco boarded the plane during departure.

Dog Friendly Travel Europe

Because Coco is not a stray dog ​​or a sensitive animal (ESA), she was required to stay on the 13-hour flight to Germany, which she did, except when she was taken to the bathroom to pee. He’s a typical male dog, meaning he likes to sleep, dream and not do much around the house (except watch Helen at work). He is a low energy dog ​​and Helen believes this makes it easier for him to fly long distances. If your dog is malnourished, dehydrated or easily stressed, you may want to reconsider taking your dog outside.

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Coco and her family arrived in Frankfurt, rented an SUV and traveled through Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein. A total of 5 countries in 3 weeks.

Coco’s most memorable time in Europe was at Jungfrauich, Switzerland, the continent’s highest train station at 3,454 meters above sea level. The observation point is 3571 meters, which is very high for a railway station. The Jungfraujoch (or “Cape of Europe”) is nicknamed, even though it is not the highest peak in Europe. The station under the Sphinx observatory was opened in 1912 and is connected to the tallest building in Europe.

The experience of riding a cable car and then changing trains with great views is ally. Women say that they meet once in a lifetime. And Coco was enjoying it as it was her first snow ride. Luckily, Helen brought Coco’s shoes so she wouldn’t mess it up. It was summer, so they didn’t bring warm clothes because they didn’t expect it to be very cold. In three thin shirts and a Helen Coco hat, she was rocking on the snowy mountains. :/

Another memorable moment in Zurich was when Coco and her

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