How Can I Delay My Period For Vacation

How Can I Delay My Period For Vacation

How Can I Delay My Period For Vacation – First of all, it’s important to note that you can do anything when you have your period, from sex to swimming to any other activity, you should never feel discomfort through your uterus. That is, between seizures, mood swings, bloating and…

Bleeding is also justified if you need (or want) to stop your period for reasons that might include an upcoming wedding or vacation.

How Can I Delay My Period For Vacation

How Can I Delay My Period For Vacation

The good news is that with a little advance planning, it’s possible to delay your period until you have flights, swimming, and beach days on your schedule. We spoke to Boots pharmacist and women’s health specialist Bina Mehta and Dr Deborah Lee from online pharmacy Dr Fox to find out how to delay your period. Learn everything you need to know

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This is a situation that many will face. When you lift your bloody head, you’re going to [insert fun trip].

Slows down your plans. But does the deadline mean your vacation expectations have been met? Even a little

If you want to delay your period, there are several options you can consider. Here’s what you need to know about both…

Doctor. Mehta added that the treatment consists of a synthetic version of the hormone progesterone, explaining: “Menstruation is caused by a decrease in progesterone every month, so by increasing progesterone [in the norethisterone pill], you can delay your period; this is a treatment for up to 17 days.”

Stop Overworking After Vacation

Dr. Lee explains how to take period delay pills: “To delay your period, you are advised to take norethisterone three times a day, starting three days before your period starts. When you stop, you should start bleeding. In a few days”.

Medications are very safe when used properly and as directed, but it’s important to read the patient information that comes with your medication to understand the side effects and how to take the medication, Mehta says.

It is important to note that not everyone can take birth control pills if you are pregnant, may be pregnant, are trying to become pregnant, or have given birth. Born within the last six weeks The expert also explained that if you take this drug while breastfeeding, the amount of milk may temporarily decrease.

How Can I Delay My Period For Vacation

If there are any side effects from taking birth control pills, Mehta reminded us that, as with any drug, some people may experience side effects and others may not.

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“The further away you are from the tablet, the more side effects you’ll see,” Mehta added. “If in any doubt, ask your pharmacist.”

“It is important to note that birth control pills such as norethisterone are not contraceptives. Dr. Lee advises us not to rely on them for this purpose. Instead, he recommends using barrier methods if you plan to have sex, such as a condom.

Doctor. “If you want to reduce or stop your periods, you can do that with other types of hormonal contraception,” he said.

“If you are taking the combined pill, you can delay your period by returning the pack,” the NHS website says.

The Safest And Most Effective Way To Delay Your Period

To explain how this works, we have to start at the beginning. Estrogen and progesterone are hormones that are naturally produced by the ovaries. As the NHS website explains, during your cycle the increase in estrogen causes the lining of the uterus to thicken and the egg to develop – and eventually be released. When an egg is released, progesterone levels rise to prepare your body for pregnancy.

Go back to the pills you normally take for 21 days before the seven-day break when you have your “period” (even if you don’t have it).

Durability – more on this later) NHS website guidance explains that combined pills contain artificial versions of estrogen and progesterone. By taking the pill, you maintain the levels of these two hormones, preventing the ups and downs that cause menstruation.

How Can I Delay My Period For Vacation

The only reason you get your period after 21 days on the pill is because you stopped taking the pill for a week, so you’re no longer keeping your estrogen and progesterone levels high, and the lining of your uterus will shrink. . The NHS website confirms that taking the combined pill does not work as a contraceptive. In fact, this mandatory interval was created just for the Pope, says Susan Walker, a senior lecturer in the Department of Reproductive Health at England’s Ruskin University, in an article for The Conversation.

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Yes, you read that right, Walker attended a lecture by Carl Gerasi (one of the chemists who invented the pill) and said that the pill was made in the late 50’s and as a result had a seven day break and bleed. Convince the Vatican to adopt a new form of contraception to prolong the natural menstrual cycle. It is known that Pope Paul VI began to ban artificial contraception, but forced bleeding still stopped.

It is important to note that there are different ways to approach the repeat procedure depending on the type of birth control pills you are using. The NHS website lists some of the most common birth control pills (and how each type works).

Like birth control pills, repeated use of birth control pills (and birth control pills in general) can cause some side effects, including:

Birth control pills The NHS says that you cannot delay your period by taking the pill without progesterone. However, you can switch to birth control pills, so you should talk to your doctor to find out which pill is right for you.

Stopping Or Postponing Your Period

The NHS notes that “you need to start taking this [birth control] pill a few weeks before you want to delay your period and it doesn’t work for everyone”. Also remember: if you change pills or start taking pills for the first time, you need to use additional contraception for a few days during intercourse.

This article is not intended to provide professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional with any questions you may have about your health

Jade Bigbush (her) is a famous British writer who covers everything from the latest royal news and gossip to the health and fitness trends that are taking over your TikTok feed. She also works on first-person films and documentaries that delve into mental health, celebrity culture and women’s rights. Jade has been a journalist and content writer for ten years and has interviewed leading researchers and clinicians, leading activists and health experts. She is a cat mom of four and is obsessed with running, endless breakfasts and just wearing bras. Follow him on Instagram or Twitter

How Can I Delay My Period For Vacation

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How Can I Delay My Period In A Safe & Effective Way? #periods

With birth control pills (and other forms), you can stop your period, have or not have a period.

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