How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped – Many pet parents microchip their pets as it is a cost-effective and easy way to keep them even safer. In some parts of the world, such as the United Kingdom and Australia, pet microchipping is not a luxury, but a legal requirement of ownership.

In general, the cost of microchips is relatively low. In fact, compared to other ongoing pet costs such as food or grooming, a microchip is very economical and can save you a lot of stress if you are ever separated from your pet. Read on if you’ve ever wondered:

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

Microchipping your pet is an investment in their safety that costs only $20-$50 depending on several factors, and the peace of mind is worth the price.

How Much Does It Cost To Microchip Your Dog?

The main function of the microchip is to ensure that your pet is always identifiable, regardless of whether it is wearing a collar or not. Remember that collars and tags can be easily lost, especially if the animal goes outside, fights or loses weight.

A microchip is the best proof that your pet is not like anyone else. This is critical in cases of missing or stolen pets. Unlike a collar, a chip cannot be easily removed or changed.

When linked to a pet ownership database, the microchip acts as a key to provide information about the pet’s owner. This means you can be contacted immediately and your furry friend can be returned quickly.

Another reason for pet microchipping is to enable more international travel. Without this form of identification, some countries may not allow your pet to enter.

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Now that you know why microchipping your pet is important, let’s look at some of the most common questions pet parents ask when it comes to microchipping.

A microchip is a very small integrated circuit that is hard under the skin and is about the size of a grain of basmati rice. Each chip has its own unique number, but no additional information. The chip is linked to a database containing information about the animal, including the owner’s date of birth, address and contact number.

Interestingly, the pet microchip does not have a battery, which means there is no risk of the microchip malfunctioning. Instead, the microchip is only activated when the microchip scanner emits radio waves through it.

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

Every pet clinic, animal control center, rescue center (and even some breeders) has something like microchip scanners. In a few seconds of scanning, the microchip number can be displayed on a small screen. The person scanning the chip can look up this unique number in various online databases and find a match.

How To Manage Pet’s Microchip Information

Most countries have a number of recognized websites with larger databases that collect data from smaller companies. You can check these great websites if you are not sure where your dog’s microchip is registered.

Although it is sometimes possible to feel a microchip under the skin of thin dogs and cats, it is not always easy to do so. Realistically, the only way to know for sure if an animal is neutered is to scan it. Most people go to their local vet to do this. You can then use any microchip number found to find out who the pet is currently registered to.

As mentioned earlier, a microchip is a very basic piece of technology that can only contain one unique number. In short, it is a simple transponder.

It is a common misconception that a microchip can tell you where your pet is at any given time. A microchip is not a GPS tracking device. GPS trackers are available for pets but are not usually provided by vets. They are larger than a microchip and attached to a collar. GPS pet tracker prices range from $60 to $150.

How Much Does It Cost To Microchip A Dog?

The microchip also does not contain any medical information or medical records about the animal. It does not tell you, for example, whether the pet has been neutered or vaccinated against rabies.

Most importantly, the chip also contains no information about the pet or its owner. If the microchip is never registered and the pet’s information is never entered into the database, the chip is of little use. Therefore, you should register your pet’s information in the database as soon as possible after the chip is implanted or detected. Some veterinary clinics do this for you, but many do not. In this case, follow the instructions that came with the chip.

It is extremely rare for a microchip to break or stop working, and most chips last the life of your pet. That’s why your pet’s microchip should be checked by a vet at every routine check-up. If the chip is not found, a new microchip can be inserted for about $20-$50.

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

As pets age, it is common to move their microchip or “migrate.” Although microchips are usually placed in the neck or between the shoulder blades, they move around a bit. Those who scan dogs and cats know this and usually check the animal’s body if the chip is not found immediately.

Microchipping & Dog Licenses

It is likely that the animal will experience some level of discomfort if the chip is inserted. Fortunately, the pain is very short and most vets are quick to reward pets with treats right after the chip is inserted. When the chip is in your pet, it does not cause any discomfort or consequences.

Some owners choose to wait until their pet is under anesthesia during spay surgery to insert a microchip to ensure their pet does not feel any pain. However, this means that there is a period when your pet is very young and without chips, which poses a risk.

Although rare, some pets develop swelling or infection soon after the microchip is inserted. This is something that should be examined by a vet as soon as possible, as treatment is often required. Contact your veterinarian online if you notice swelling or discharge around the site of your pet’s sting. You can review photos and videos with the vet from the comfort of your own home, and they can assess the problem and discuss applicable home care options or refer you to your local clinic if necessary.

Although unlikely, it is not impossible for the microchip to fall out immediately after insertion. The chip creates a small hole and, in rare cases, can migrate back outside the body moments after being inserted. This is why your vet should always scan the chip before your pet leaves the clinic after insertion surgery.

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After the skin heals (2-24 hours for a puppy or kitten, 1-2 days for an adult), the microchip will not fall out.

If you need to rehome your pet, you should notify the company that holds your pet’s microchip information. The company can then provide the new owner or shelter with a code that can be used to update ownership information. Changing the ownership information for your pet’s microchip usually costs about $10 to $20.

Please note: If you re-home your pet and do not ensure that the ownership information is changed, you may be responsible for any damage caused by the animal in the future, as you as the legal owner. Since you probably no longer have pet insurance, this could be a costly mistake.

How Much Does It Cost To Get My Dog Microchipped

When you bring home a pet that is registered in someone else’s name, you should contact that person. They can then contact the microchip company and ask to change ownership details. If you are not sure how to find the previous owner, their information is on the microchip database and the company hosting the database should be able to contact them for you.

The Priceless Benefits Of Microchipping Your Pet

Sometimes the information provided can be confusing and you may not be sure who to contact. Vets are very experienced in this area and can use your information to determine who the chip is registered to and can also re-register the pet in your name. If you need help with this, you can schedule a vet appointment online that fits your schedule from the comfort of your own home.

The average cost of a microchip insertion is about $20-$50, including the insertion fee and the cost of the chip. This price varies from clinic to clinic. There is no annual fee to use the pet database.

Some vets include the cost of a microchip in care plans that also cover the cost of things like vaccines, parasite prevention, and annual health exams. Care plans or packages cost about $20 to $50 per month, depending on the size of the dog.

Although a microchip is the best method of permanently identifying an animal, it is still useful to have a collar and tag. This is because if someone in the community finds your pet, they can contact you without having to find someone who can use a microchip scanner. Plus, having two ways to identify your pet increases your chances of reuniting if it gets lost.

How Much Does A Dog Cost In Singapore

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