How To Keep Indoor Plants Watered While On Vacation

How To Keep Indoor Plants Watered While On Vacation

How To Keep Indoor Plants Watered While On Vacation – Budgeting for vacation can be easier than you think. Tree care while traveling does not have to depend on the nearest neighbor.

I’m on vacation for 4 weeks and I have house plants that need watering,

How To Keep Indoor Plants Watered While On Vacation

How To Keep Indoor Plants Watered While On Vacation

Outdoor plants that need to be watered to survive. Since I don’t have neighbors here and just hoping for rain isn’t a good option, I have to solve the problem. Fortunately for me, there are many ways to help plants during the holidays.

How To Water Plants While Away

Indoor plants usually have different needs to survive and thrive than outdoor plants. But don’t worry! I’ll share some great ways for indoor and outdoor plants below.

Now we want plants to thrive in our absence, not just survive. Therefore, I recommend feeding properly in the last month and trimming the leaves of established plants just a week before you leave to use less water.

Test the method first a few weeks before you travel. This is very important

Remember to water the plants thoroughly before you leave, even if you use one of these methods.

5 Self-watering Planter Hacks You Have To Try

Place a gallon jug or watering can (size depends on how long you will be gone) next to your plant with the cut or string in the water and the other end in the plant soil. Water flows from the pitcher to the plant and keeps the soil moist as you go.

Make sure it works before you go. Sometimes the type of yarn or material you use just creeps in…

This is the easiest and most effective method I have found. It’s perfect for a variety of indoor and outdoor potted plants!

How To Keep Indoor Plants Watered While On Vacation

Pass the cotton thread through the drainage hole in the bottom of the plant and place the plant in a deeper/larger container partially filled with water. The idea is to nest small planters in tall planters…it helps to choose the same width, but one deeper than the other.

How To Keep Houseplants Watered While On Vacation

Or just nest the planter without the hole with the hole in the planter. If you can’t find one with a rim that allows you to hang it in a large planter, use something (a brick, can, small planter) to raise it high enough.

Best for: Moisture-loving indoor and outdoor plants. It can be used long-term for medium-sized plants. I use this as a regular way to water my plants so I only need to water once a month.

Caution: Larger plants may not absorb the amount of water required by this method with small ropes. For larger plants, increase the string size and see if it works as intended. Do this carefully for plants that are prone to rot or require dry or sandy soil.

If you travel a lot, you can buy your water can as an investment OR make your own! I’m sharing a complete tutorial on how to convert an existing planter into a self-watering machine.

Diy Hacks To Keep Your Plants Alive While You’re On Vacation

Best for: Indoor plants, but can be houseplant soil. Especially plants that like to be watered.

Even your garden can be designed in the way of “your water”. You can use the sub-irrigation method, so your plants are watered from below. Learn how to create sub-irrigated garden beds and use the same methodology for in-ground gardening.

Ideally if you are a low maintenance gardener but want a high maintenance plant. It takes a little effort at first, but once you do, you don’t have to worry anymore!

How To Keep Indoor Plants Watered While On Vacation

Some of my tropical plants love humidity and need a terrarium-like environment to thrive in my absence.

How To Take Care Of Plants When You Are On Vacation?

Just place them in a large double-rolled clear garbage bag (like this one), water the plant well and tie the bag to the plant. Poke lots of holes in the top of the bag to let it breathe, and you’ve created an instant terrarium!

A more interesting version is a bell jar that can cover the plant and saucer with about an inch of water to allow the plant to absorb from below.

Caution: Keep this terrarium out of direct sunlight or you’ll just roast your plants. To prevent water from leaking, you can place aluminum cookie sheets on top or something to catch excess water.

No doubt you have seen various watering bulbs and terra cotta + jar watering systems. It works great when you’re out of town for a week or two, and can be cute and decorative as well as helpful!

How Often Should You Water Houseplants?

Be careful: if the tip of your water can is stuck, it won’t work. Before digging into the ground, wrap the back with gauze to prevent this from happening.

Water saving crystals are more of an additional measure and should be used in conjunction with other irrigation methods for best results.

I use Miracle Gro Water Saving Crystals and it seems to work well and I don’t have to water the houseplants as often as I do.

How To Keep Indoor Plants Watered While On Vacation

I’m sure as you read this you immediately think that drip systems are complicated and expensive. This is definitely the way to go to the park with a timer installed.

Diy Wick Watering System

Water your house plants! It can be added to the schedule or just use the app to water on demand.

With your indoor plants, this is pretty obvious. A few inches of mulch will help retain moisture in your garden and is perfect for a secondary watering system.

However, indoor plants can be “layered” by adding a layer of well-moistened peat moss or by placing a very damp cloth around the plant and covering it with a plastic bag.

Caution: Moss can stick and make a great addition to potted plants! But you don’t want to leave the cloth or plastic covering for more than a few weeks or you’ll get mold.

Opinions On Water Globes.. What Plants Do These Not Work For? Any Opinions/ Tips On Using These Would Be Great.

A reader recommended this method to me and I have to say it is pure genius! The easiest and most effective method I have tried.

Place potted plants with holes in the bottom in a shallow container of water, or if you have a tub or sink that gets a lot of indirect light, that’s even better. Do not add more than a few inches of water, just enough to prevent evaporation. and still have enough to water the plants while you’re gone.

Be careful: stagnant water can attract insects and flies, sprinkle the water tank with mushrooms and avoid insects if you are away for more than a few weeks. Buy natural plant-friendly ones at the store or mix 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 1 cup of water and add 3 drops of Dawn dish soap. Shake and spray over tub of water before adding plants.

How To Keep Indoor Plants Watered While On Vacation

Caution: Some plants really hate moisture and need to dry out between waterings…this is a temporary measure for these plants and you want the soil to dry out after you return to prevent root rot.

How To Keep Houseplants Alive While You’re On Vacation

When dealing with non-drip indoor plants, a soaker hose is another great way to keep the garden moist. You can buy a timer (like with a drip system) that turns the water on and off every day, or you can set the hose to a slow rain.

Learn the best way to grow an avocado tree from seed! Forget the old toothpick method, find the tooth-proof method here.

Ursula Carmona is the creative mind behind Carmona Home Made, where she shares her expertise in decorating, DIY, organizing and gardening. Ursula is also a public speaker, hosts the HGTV digital series “Table Wars: The Look For Less” and has been featured widely in print and online. This combination creates problems, because only a few times you can force your friend to water your apartment jungle, even if you bribe him with beautiful souvenirs from some exotic place.

We have made the factory a very expensive commercial solution. I considered building a plumbing system, but my husband is concerned that it might leak when no one is home.

How To Keep Your Indoor Plants Watered While On Vacation β€” Altifarm Enverde

So I came up with the cheap, easy, and leak-proof solution below: all you need is a waterproof, resealable plastic bag with a retractable wick.

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