Vacation Dog Pic

Vacation Dog Pic

Vacation Dog Pic – Everyone is looking forward to summer vacation, but now that the time to book a trip is officially here, it can be stressful and stressful for pet owners. According to recent studies, 37% of dog owners do not travel because they do not want to leave their hair behind. The thought of leaving your fur baby behind can be upsetting and guilt-inducing, but getting a pet doesn’t have to mean putting your life on hold and not taking it for a ride.

Although many people choose to research dog-friendly hotels and plan their trips to take their pups with them, this isn’t always an option for some families. Nervous-haired children can be triggered by sudden changes in position and long car journeys. International travel can make traveling with a dog even more difficult. With this in mind, the Pets A Go Go team have shared their top tips for making sure your pet is well looked after on holiday, because you deserve a carefree trip.

Vacation Dog Pic

Vacation Dog Pic

Develop an appropriate care plan. Before booking your trip, make sure your chosen pet will be available during your absence. Once established, invite this person into your home before you leave to learn more about your dog’s routine and build trust between Furby and the pet sitter. Seeing a familiar face when you’re not around will help your dog get used to not being around. Write a checklist for your pet adopter that includes feeding plans, any medical restrictions, and your veterinarian’s phone number in case of an emergency.

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Invest in pet-friendly technology. Just because you’re out doesn’t mean you can’t socialize with your pet! Today there are many indoor cameras designed specifically for pet owners. These cameras not only allow you to see what your pet is doing, but also allow you to talk to your pet through the speaker, and some even allow you to offer treats through the app!

Update your dog’s tags and microchips. If you live in an unfenced apartment or house, your pet is more likely to escape, especially if your dog is used to following your commands. It’s important to make sure their puppy ID tag is on their collar and their microchip is up-to-date so the good guys know where your furbaby is if they’re found.

“Puppy Proofing” Your Home Just as you make sure your home is safe for a teething puppy, you should also do the same for a dog that has been left alone for a long time or is anxious about being away. Chewing is a result of separation anxiety, so keeping anything dangerous out of your puppy’s reach is important to avoid potential health hazards and protect your belongings from damage.

Consider boarding your dog. One of the safest ways to protect your dog in your absence is to leave it with a pet care professional. This will give your dog constant attention from the grooming staff and the participation of other playful dogs. Some boarding facilities post regular photo updates on social media so you can see how much fun your pup is having!

Options For Leaving Your Dog Behind When You Go On Vacation

Being a fur baby parent is a full-time job and you deserve a break. That’s why it’s important to have a well-thought-out care plan. Pets One Go Go treats your fur like a member of the family. If you’re thinking of going out this summer, check out our overnight options, which include 24-hour boarding and unlimited play in a cage-free environment.

Previous page Five reasons why socializing with your dog is so important Next page Five fun dog-friendly activities If you want to take your dog on vacation this summer, you should plan ahead to find a dog-friendly place to stay, bring what you need to travel with to avoid losing your dog on vacation, and be prepared for their safety.

We have always had dogs in our family and we love them like our own children. When we rented a beach house for a family beach trip, we thought it would be fun to take our dog with us for a week’s vacation.

Vacation Dog Pic

Even though we were in full-time supervision, in a very short distraction our adorable puppy slipped out of the beach house and disappeared.

Pet Friendly Vacation Ideas

My family was devastated. We immediately started looking for her and it was painful to see my children crying as we wandered around looking for her, not knowing if we would ever see her again.

I would definitely say the worst time to tell my kids is when we put our dog to sleep.

After two hours of intense searching and action, we were able to find the stranger who had found our dog by a God-sent miracle. When we heard where she was found and what kind of condition she was in, it was a miracle that she managed to stay safe.

I want to share what we learned from that terrible experience to help you decide if you should take your dog on vacation, and if you do, to help you prepare and keep them safe so they can have fun and enjoy your vacation. to travel.

Vacation Dog Stock Illustrations

The decision to take your beloved pet with you on holiday should not be an easy one.

Traveling with your dog sounds like fun, but do you consider these things? :

There are some good reasons why a dog on holiday might not be a good idea, including:

Vacation Dog Pic

After our only experience with them on vacation, I’m sure if you love your pets, your first concern is that they’re in the safest place possible.

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Maybe while on vacation, maybe in a safe kennel at home, but neither option is inherently bad. A dog house can be a very loving choice.

If you decide to take your dog on vacation, here’s a list of things you should bring on your trip:

I never thought that losing a dog while on vacation would happen to us, but our entire vacation is different from home and mistakes can happen in the blink of an eye.

They work as a team to ensure that everyone on the trip is responsible for the dog’s safety at all times. If responsibility is transferred to someone else, make sure the transfer is secure: “I’ll leave the dog with you.”

Most Dog Friendly Vacations In New England

Even if your dog sleeps on the porch. Even your dog is trained to come back when you call. There are so many new things to smell and explore, it can tempt a curious dog to run away.

Make sure your dog tag is always on and matches your phone number. Clipping is great, but it won’t help a random beachgoer without taking the dog to a shelter or vet for a checkup.

If your dog gets lost, AirTags will help you find them quickly without waiting for someone to call you.

Vacation Dog Pic

If we had attached the AirTag to her collar using this attachment, we could have saved hours of stress and anxiety and quickly found our lost dog.

New England Dog Friendly Vacations

Find local groups in your destination. For example, there is a Tybee Lost and Found group on Tybee Beach and a local rescue group. If you wait until your dog is lost, you will waste your time trying to find these groups for help.

Keep a recent photo on your phone, especially if your dog has been groomed and his appearance has changed due to a haircut. Have everyone in the entire group keep a copy on their phone.

It was one of the scariest two hours of my life when we lost our dog on vacation.

It only took her a minute to leave her family and disappear to the beach house we rented.

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We spent the next few hours exploring the island on foot and by car, stopping everyone we met to ask for help.

In the end, our story had a happy ending and our dog was found, but we learned some important lessons:

Call the police immediately and give them information about your dog. Give them your name, description of your dog, phone number/contact information and details of where you will be staying.

Vacation Dog Pic

In the end, it was the police who got this information and put us in touch with the person who found our dog.

Summer Vacation Ideas That Include Your Dog –

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